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Concrete Bridge

General English - Elementary to Advanced


Duration: 2 - 68 weeks

Maximum 60 weeks delivery plus 8 weeks term break)

Course Information

Mode of Study

Students study full time face to face of delivery that integrates:

  • 20 hours scheduled face to face classes per week during term time


Course Description

This course is intended for students wishing to learn English for a variety of different purposes. The macro-skills of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening will be studied in conjunction with a weekly activities program that allows students to work on their individual learning needs such as international test preparation, Australian English, employment-related English etc. The activities also enable students to associate with different students from different levels and classes on occasion in a guided learning environment to expand their personal networks within the college community.


Delivery Location

All classes are face to face and are held at 87 Fennell Street, NORTH PARRAMATTA, NSW, 2151


Course Structure

There are 5 levels and each level is 12 weeks in length.


Each 12 week level is divided in to two 6-week study periods. Classes can start on any Monday of a Study period (Weeks 1 & 7). Every 12 weeks of study there is a 1 to 2 week scheduled study-break. The ELICOS college closes for up to 4 weeks in the Christmas/New Years Season.



Entry Requirements

  • There are no entry pre-requisites for the General English program and students are placed in appropriate levels and classes on arrival.

  • Innovative College will not be enrolling students under the age of 18


Students who are tested off-shore via the Innovative College placement test and who need a more specific study pathway will still need to undergo the placement test on induction day. If students can provide an appropriate International Language test they will be placed in the aligned CEFR-equivalent level (see chart below and/or chart on page 7.)


Approximate Entry/Exit level descriptors for GE course


CEFR entry/exit

Elementary = A1/A2

Pre-Intermediate = A2/B1

Intermediate = B1/B1+

Upper Intermediate = B1+/B2

Advanced = B2/C1



Formal assessment is held at the end of each study period in weeks 6 and 12 in conjunction with weekly reviews. 


Learning Materials

Teaching/learning materials include:

• Standard TESOL textbooks – Face2face books along with supplementary resources

• Course Audio files & Internet resources

  •       Assessment is benchmarked against the CEFR

  •       Additional resources provided by college for supplementary activities


Course Fees

Please contact us at for the most up-to-date course fees


Additional Information

For further information regarding studying with Innovative College, please refer to our Student Handbook which outlines all additional terms, conditions, and information related to student life in Australia. 

Abstract Architecture


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Contact Us

Head Office

4 Marsh Street, Clyde, NSW, 2142

©2024 by Innovative College RTO 45831 CRICOS 04004H

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